Tuesday, January 15, 2008

This is reprehensible

I am snarling over here, I hate these people so much.
Thank god, someone finally says it. I'm fuckin' sick of the social stigmas that society places on gamers. We will never be taken seriously until we stop catering to lonely, awkward, out of touch teenage boys and start taking steps to seriously overhaul the way we present and make video games. We can be artistic, analytical, mature, and intelligent, so why do we dumb ourselves down to such low levels? If we start talking about this and start telling people that this isn't the way we want to be perceived maybe we'll finally be able to elevate ourselves past the basement dwelling, porn addicted, ultra-violent monsters the media makes us out to be.

But it isn't merely the journalists at fault here either. The entire industry is completely obsessed with this kind of objectification. And I think it really comes down to a lack of real artists working in the field, a lack of talented and dedicated writers, and the over hollywoodization of the gaming industry. But this is far too much ground to cover in a single comment. I wish there were more stories about this kind of thing, however, because this is something that needs to be talked about.
Ugh, the whole thing is just insanely macho and reeks of that I'm-a-college-freshman-visiting-my-hometown-for-the-first-time-and-feeling-pretty-
good-about-it thing. "I'm bored by sexism." NO YOU'RE NOT. "Far too much ground to cover in a single comment." WHAT THE FUCK WHO THINKS THOUGHTS LIKE THESE.

Gabe: its not misogynistic to to be a fucking embarassing horndog

Daniel: the cuckolded "guy best friend" is the only person who would ever use the phrase "treat women like meat"
Daniel: Not even women say that
Daniel: what he's really attacking is the video game facet of "Guy Culture"
Daniel: that boring fucking religion that idle upper-middle class males and white trash kids subscribe to
Daniel: that idle class mindlessness
Daniel: Where you might buy a cd by a hot pop star
Daniel: and develop a taste for that music
Daniel: instead of buying music you like
Me: well it's like when you own 10 cd's
Me: and one of em is like, throwing copper by Live
Me: and the other one is sugar ray
Daniel: God I want to dethrone what poses for masculinity so badly


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