Monday, February 11, 2008

This is quickly becoming the new pop versus soda

I had a good post all written about the argument people have where one side says you should say "I'm good" and the other says "I'm well" but it disappeared because my computer froze. The basic point was that both positions are kind of politically loaded and reprehensible because people who say "I'm well" are smug philistines and people who insist on "I'm good," if they actually volunteer to defend the usage actively, only do it because they want to stand up for the masses in a way that's more acutely expressed in things like ironic PBR-drinking and Che shirts.

(The reason these people usually give for why "I'm good" is right after all is that "I'm well" means "I am good at being" rather than "The things that are happening in my life are good and I am enjoying them OK.")

The reason I was bringing up this fight -- an important one because its many manifestations basically make it impossible to live in good faith or be a not horrible person -- was that I think I have an easy answer: "I'm good" is right because you'd never say "I'm badly." Not even "well" people say "I'm badly." In other words the PBR-drinking Che cabal is right-- you actually need an adjective, not an adverb, after "to be".

BTW when my computer froze it gave me the blue screen of death. Who knew that was still around??


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