Tuesday, December 26, 2006


In line at Walgreen's, getting ready to pay for some antibiotics (for my mom, b/c she's under the weather) and a Nerds Rope (for me, b/c of my sweet tooth), I saw a pretty gruesome exchange between the gawky, plain-jane cashier and the two bimbos in front of me. At first, they were looking at the impulse products by the register (specifically the "Chaser Plus" anti-hangover tablets that one of them jokingly offered to buy for the other). One of them was drinking a "Monster" energy drink, the other had a butterfly tattoo on the small of her back. Both had weird synthetically red cheeks and that disgusting, Kim Mathers-style bleachy hair you'd see in clubs if you went to clubs.

When they get up to pay for whatever they were buying - Tylenol, I think - the cashier girl asks the taller one where she buys her jeans.

"Because you're tall, and I'm tall, and I always have trouble finding good jeans."

"These are from Express," the tall bimbo answers, looking at the cashier's little Walgreen's vest and her unremarkable light blue pants.

"Oh, really," the cashier says, signaling interest with her eyebrows as she pulled a new bag down from the thing.


"They look really good."

"Thanks," the bimbo says, her eyes pointed sharply at the floor. "I buy jeans at JC Penney too."

"Oh, really."

"Also Abercrombie."

"Oh, really." The bimbos start to shuffle toward the exit, and the cashier continues, "I've never actually gone in there, I've always seen it but never checked it out. I always see that place though." And then, "I usually buy my things online."

The girls looked at her with burning disdain, said good night, and walked out. To their credit, if they laughed at her, they waited until after they were out of the store. I guess no one was right slash no one did anything wrong. That cashier girl probably was a loser. In conclusion, classic Boxer's Day.


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